Adobe Acrobat Sign

eSignature iManage integration

Reduce timescales & send documents for eSignature directly from within iManage, with Adobe Acrobat Sign.

By integrating Adobe Acrobat Sign with iManage you will streamline your eSignature process, and be able to quickly and easily obtain electronic signatures on legal documents by sending, signing, tracking, and managing them directly from within iManage.

With Adobe Acrobat Sign, you can pre-populate fields within iManage, reducing the risk of errors or omissions and ensuring that all necessary information is captured. This makes it an ideal eSignature solution for legally binding contracts, onboarding forms, NDAs, and more.

Experience a more efficient approach to signing legal documents with Adobe Acrobat Sign, and focus on running your business smoothly and efficiently, without worrying about the paperwork.

Say goodbye to traditional and cumbersome signing processes and enjoy the ease and convenience of eSignatures with Adobe Acrobat Sign integrated with iManage.

  • Save time by sending documents for e-Signature without leaving iManage
  • Recipient can sign on smartphone, tablet or PC
  • Reduce turnaround time and get signatures in minutes not days
  • Make compliance part of your process
  • Secured audit trail provides clear evidence of what document was signed and who signed it
  • Signed documents are automatically added back into your iManage workspace
  • Track the signing process with real-time updates added to the iManage Timeline
  • Recieve notifications of key events during the signing process with links back to iManage
  • Create end-to-end signing and approval processes
  • Easily add form fields to documents

You will need:

  • Windows server 2016 or above
  • .NET Framework 4.6 or above
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • IIS 7 or above
  • SSL certificate
  • SMTP service (optional)
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign account
  • iManage Work 10 account
The Adobe Acrobat Sign integration is available on an annual licence.

Please contact the team for a detailed quotation.
adobe acrobat sign for imanage technical diagram

High level workflow:

  • User sends document
  • Signer interacts with document
  • Adobe sends events
  • iManage Timeline updated with signing events
  • Signed document retrived from Adobe and added to workspace
  • Notifications and links (if required) sent

Zylpha supplies:

  • Web service installers
  • Administration Application
  • Consumer service installer
  • Queue software installers
  • SQL Express scripts
  • Application setup files

Mike Peters, ECM & Information Management Manager, RSM Australia:

“By using Adobe Acrobat Sign directly from within our iManage Document Management System, we have been able to take advantage of two best of breed, globally recognised solutions and integrate them efficiently and intelligently using the market-leading Zylpha Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration.“The simplicity of the integration makes it easy to use, and our clients are used to being able to sign their paperwork electronically. By using Adobe Acrobat Sign we know that they can be completed from any device including their smartphone or tablet and can trust that it’s secure and encrypted”

RSM Australia streamline processes with Adobe Acrobat Sign