Court Bundle Guidelines

Electronic document bundles

In November & December 2021 revised guidance was issued on what is required for an electronic bundle.

This page has been created to provide an easy reference point to show what is possible with the Zylpha bundling platform. Where the guidance provides non technical requirements (such as how many bundles to submit) this has been excluded from this page.

Whilst we have covered the national guidance, please check with your individual Court as we are aware of instances where (for particular hearings) additional requirements have been asked for.

General Guidance

Source: General guidance on electronic Court bundles.


E-bundles must be provided in pdf format.


All pages in an e-bundle must be numbered by computer-generated numbering, not by hand.


The numbering should start at page 1 for the first page of the bundle (whether or not that is part of an index) and the numbering must follow sequentially to the last page of the bundle, so that the pagination matches the pdf numbering.


If a hard copy of the bundle is produced, the pagination must match the e-bundle.


Each entry in the index must be hyperlinked to the indexed document.


All significant documents and all sections in bundles must be bookmarked for ease of navigation, with a short description as the bookmark. The bookmark should contain the page number of the document.


All pages in an e-bundle that contain typed text must be subject to OCR (optical character recognition) if they have not been created directly as electronic text documents.


Any page that has been created in landscape orientation should appear in that orientation so that it can be read from left to right.


No page should appear upside down.


The default view for all pages should be 100%.


The resolution of the bundle should not be greater than 300 dpi, in order to avoid slow scrolling or rendering.


The bundle should be electronically optimised so as to ensure that the file size is not larger than necessary.


If a bundle is to be added to after it has been transmitted to the judge, then new pages should be added at the end of the bundle (and paginated accordingly).

Family Court Bundles

Source: Guidance on eBundles for use in Family Court and Family Division.


The documents in the bundle shall be arranged in chronological order from the front of the bundle, paginated individually and consecutively (starting with page 1 and using Arabic numbering throughout), indexed and divided into separate sections (each section being separately paginated).


Instead, sequential singular pagination of the entire bundle, corresponding to the PDF numbering, should be used in accordance with para 2 of the general guidance.


For such cases any additional pages should be dealt with in accordance with para 10 of the general guidance. They should be placed in a supplemental section at the end of the bundle, sequentially paginated to follow the last page number of the original bundle, and appropriately bookmarked.


Unless otherwise directed by the court, the pagination on any page in an ebundle shall not be changed in any later version of an e-bundle in the same proceedings.


For the period of the suspension referred to in para 4(a), the requirement in the final sentence of para 3 of the general guidance that each bookmark should contain the page number of the document shall not apply in public law children cases.


Rather than producing a core e-bundle a better method for identifying key documents, more conformable with the continuous pagination rule, is to mark them in the index with an asterisk (or to list them in a separate hyperlinked list of essential reading placed behind the index).


May 2020 Guidance (now replaced): General guidance on PDF bundles
November 2021: General guidance on electronic Court bundles
December 2021: Guidance on eBundles for use in the Family Court and Family Division

Last updated: 07 Dec 2023

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