Security & Privacy

Safeguarding your data

Discover the innovative measures we've implemented to fortify our bundling platform, for a secure & seamless experience


How it works

Security by design

In today's digital landscape, where the protection of user data is non-negotiable, Zylpha are committed to providing a secure electronic bundling platform. From multifactor authentication to active account management and the prestigious ISO27001 certification, Zylpha leaves no stone unturned in delivering a bundling experience that prioritizes security without compromising on efficiency. For more detailed information, please read our security page.

multifactor authentication

1. Multifactor authentication

Enable Multi-Factor authentication. This extra layer of protection, requiring a passcode in addition to regular credentials, significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access when logging into the platform.

30 days

2. Login required every 30-days

To prevent files being forgotten about, we require 'free users' to log in to the platform every 30-days. This practice not only prevents file neglect but also proactively deactivates and deletes inactive 'free' accounts, minimizing potential security vulnerabilities.


3. ISO27001 certified

Zylpha has achieved ISO27001 status, signifying our adherence to globally recognised information security standards. The certification assures users that their data is handled with the highest level of security and compliance at all times.

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