RTA Claims Portal Update: Completion Confirmed

We’re delighted to announce that the RTA Claims Portal Update Project has now been completed.

The RTA Claims Portal Update Project has been completed, and we're pleased to announce that the Zylpha Visualfiles team has successfully updated the application in just six weeks. The team has worked tirelessly to ensure that the update was tested, packaged, and sent to all of our Visualfiles MOJ claims portal clients.

As part of this latest release, we've made several important amendments that will improve the functionality of the system.

Amendments for Release 7:

To help our clients to easily identify and manage their claims:

  • Added OICReferenceNumber to AddClaim() and getClaim()

To enable our clients to provide more detailed information about their claims and ensure that they are processed accurately:

  • Added new LossType to AddInterimSPFRequest(), AddInterimSPFResponse(), AddStage2SPFRequest(),
  • AddStage2SPFResponse(), AddStage2SPFCounterOfferByCM(), AddStage2SPFCounterOfferByCR(), AddAdditionalDamagesRequest(), AddAdditionalDamagesResponse(), AddCPPFRequest(), AddCPPFResponse(), GetClaim()

To provide greater transparency and clarity around disbursements:

  • Added new DisbursmentDisputed to AddCPPFRequest(), AddCPPFResponse(), GetClaim()

To make it easier for our clients to keep track of their claims and ensure that they are being processed correctly:

  • Added new Totals to GetClaim()

And finally, to streamline the claims process and ensure that our clients receive the compensation they are entitled to:

  • New Exit Reason code.
  • Added APPENDIX A for GrossAmountRequested and GrossAmountOffered calculation in case of LossType=16

We've already contacted all of our clients about upgrading their Visualfiles RTA integration, and we're happy to offer additional support to anyone who needs it. If you have any questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact the team.

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