Introducing Zylpha Bundling Software V4.6

What’s new in 4.6?

NetDocuments Connector

V4.6 introduces our new NetDocuments Connector. This new connector makes it easier than ever to access your documents that are stored in your NetDocuments cloud system.

This completely removes the need to download documents from NetDocuments to your computer before creating the bundle.

Error Logging

When a support ticket is raised we want to be able to resolve that issue as quickly and expediently as possible. That’s why in v4.6 we have introduced error logging.

When error logging is enabled during the investigation phase of a support request, it makes it quicker and easier to identify and (hopefully) resolve the issue faster than before.

We have also added in the function to encrypt the error logs before sending.

Secured PDF Password Prompt

On previous versions of bundling if you added a secured PDF which had a blank password then you would be prompted to add the (blank) password. On v4.6 when you add a secured PDF it will check to see whether the password is blank or has a generated password.

If the password field is blank, then it will not prompt the user to add a password. If the password field has a generated password, then this still needs to be added (or skip the document from being added to the bundle).

Button Changes

Previous versions of bundling had the navigation buttons as back and next.

These have now been updated so that they refer to the previous (or next) step in the bundle creation process.

Create Sections from Excel Import

If you use the Microsoft Excel import function it now has the option to create new sections to the bundle (which has been specified in an excel worksheet).

Retain Hyperlinks in All Document Types

Previously we only retained hyperlinks that were contained within Microsoft Word documents.

V4.6 now rolls this functionality to multiple file types including existing PDF files which are added to the bundle.

Create a secure bundle online, quickly & easily for FREE