New Release - MoJ Claims Portal Update February 2018

We’ve recently received details from the Claims Portal of a series of enhancements which will be packaged into a release (release 6) due to go live in December.

The changes will be split across the web portal (which won’t impact integrated sites at all) and A2A portal which is used by sites who integrate their case management system into the portal.

Once we have received the specifics of the changes to the A2A portal we will be able to communicate the changes and functionality that will be available in our MoJ (ELPL and RTA) integrations.

If you have any questions about the claims portal changes, then please contact

Details received from Claims Portal Ltd.

During 2018 Claims Portal will be making a series of seven Portal enhancements, which will be delivered in a single change termed as Release 6.

This work is necessary in order to deliver changes which are required to comply with general data protection regulation and to enhance the performance and governance of the system, prior to the implementation of Ministry of Justice (MoJ) whiplash reforms.

The system changes include:

  • Change description: Referral source
  • Rationale: Compliance
  • Who it affects: Web & A2A users
  • Purpose of change: An additional field recommended by the Insurance Taskforce to share data about the claim referral source with the Insurance Fraud Bureau.
  • Change description: CRU validation
  • Rationale: Compliance
  • Who it affects: A2A users
  • Purpose of change: Align CRU validation for A2A users with that introduced for web users in 2017.
  • Change description: Attachments
  • Rationale: Performance
  • Who it affects: Web & A2A users
  • Purpose of change: Introduce a maximum number of attachments to help system performance.
  • Change description: Notifications
  • Rationale: Performance
  • Who it affects: Web & A2A users
  • Purpose of change: Reduce the number of automated notifications to users.
  • Change description: Global offers
  • Rationale: Risk
  • Who it affects: A2A users
  • Purpose of change: Ensure alignment between how the Portal handles global offers for web and A2A users.
  • Change description: GDPR
  • Rationale: Compliance
  • Who it affects: Web & A2A users
  • Purpose of change: System and process updates required for new data protection regulations.
  • Change description: Organisation name
  • Rationale: Risk
  • Who it affects: Web & A2A users
  • Purpose of change: Making this field un-editable will ensure claims are submitted in the organization name registered to the Portal.

The teams involved in delivering these changes (MIB and CRIF) will be taking an agile approach to developing these enhancements, which differs to previous Portal release projects and enables them to anticipate, test and implement changes in a shorter, flexible and more intuitive manner.

Work on the Release 6 development is scheduled to continue through to the summer, ready for A2A integration and then implementation of all seven changes in a single release during Q4.

We appreciate the impact changes to the Portal has on our Users, particularly the A2A community. We intend to provide as much information as possible at the earliest opportunity to help your teams prepare for the necessary changes.  We will, of course provide further information and updates soon.

Final Summary from Zylpha

We’ll continue to monitor developments and will announce our development plans to update our EL/PL & RTA Claims Portal integrations later this year.

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