New - MoJ Claims Portal Changes Announced for 2016

2016 will see significant changes to the Claims Portal which were announced last week.

The biggest published change that we can see is that a charge will be made to log a claim on the portal.

At present we are unaware of the confirmed cost (likely to be £1-£3) and are waiting for further information on this point.

Whilst the majority of the legal press have focused on this issue, Zylpha are interested in the specifics of the software update and how this will impact SolCase and Visualfiles users of the claims portal.

The changes will be split across the web portal (which won’t impact integrated sites at all) and A2A portal which is used by sites who integrate their case management system into the claims portal.

Once we have received the specifics of the changes to the A2A portal we will be able to communicate the changes and functionality that will be available in our MoJ (ELPL and RTA) integrations.

If you have any questions about the claims portal changes, then please contact

Details received from Claims Portal Ltd.

In preparation for the 2016 programme the first software upgrades are already underway and the service will have a refreshed look from 2 November. By way of reminder from 5pm, 30 October until 7am, 2 November: the Claims Portal service for both web users and A2A users will not be available while the upgrade is being made to the live site. When accessing the service for the first time it may be necessary to clear your internet cache and refresh your browser to ensure the new look site can be viewed correctly.

Find out more about what these changes mean for you here.

2016 – Release 5

Following the implementation of the new software platform we (Claims Portal Ltd) will begin work on a new set of changes referred to as Release 5. These changes will be implemented in 2 phases.

Phase 1: April 2016

Phase 1 will be an interim release in preparation for the final software release in December.

  • This interim release will deliver improvements to the functionality of the service including visibility of claims and more functions for administrator users.
  • This phase is not expected to impact A2A users.

Phase 2: December 2016

Phase 2 of Release 5 will deliver changes to the service that will impact both web and A2A users. By way of a high level overview Release 5 will include the following:

  • The ability to transfer claims between organisations in bulk
  • Improved user journey
  • Revised Claim Notification Forms
  • The introduction of User Pays, meaning CPL will apply a charge to Claimant Representatives using the Portal at the point of submitting a new Claims Notification Form
  • Increase flexibility of User profiles.
  • New rules relating to Data Retention to deal with older claims that no longer progress through the process.

By way of an estimate it is currently expected that technical documents for A2A users will be available from September 2016 however at this early stage this is subject to alteration depending on the course of the programme development.

Final Summary from Zylpha

As we (Zylpha) receive the technical documents next September we will carry out an immediate review and publish our own plan as soon as possible with a view to meeting any deadlines imposed by the Portal.

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