Bury Metropolitan Council select Zylpha Bundling for Legal Team

After researching the market the Legal Services Department of Bury Metropolitan Council chose secure electronic bundling software from Zylpha.

The Council’s main use for the electronic document bundling software is to prepare legal document bundles for Court and other stakeholders such as barristers.

With the Council’s legal team managing a wide range of areas from childcare through to land transactions, housing law, environmental health, contract and procurement efficient document management is a priority to the management.

The Legal Services Department had previously used another bundling system but it was felt that this no longer met their evolving requirements. With this in mind, a decision was taken to evaluate other available solutions. Zylpha was chosen for its seamless integration with Bury’s existing Visualfiles case management system along with its speed and ease of use in creating bundles. It also enabled the Council’s legal team to use features such as Safedrop for securely sharing large legal files, a facility they did not previously have. The system greatly speeds up the process of producing bundles and delivers significant savings on printing and stationery too.

Andy Carlile, Practice Manager of the Bury’s Legal Services Department notes:

“Having decided to look for a modern document bundling solution, we identified that Zylpha’s software ticked all the boxes and met our requirements fully. In addition, the Zylpha system is extremely easy to use and it’s now just five clicks to make a bundle; a process that now can take less than 10 minutes to complete.
This is a considerable improvement over where we were previously and the whole process has speeded up significantly. The support looks good too as Zylpha is highly responsive and keen to resolve any queries quickly and efficiently. In addition, where there are changes to the Childcare portal for example, Zylpha has these ready for use when we need them.
Overall, we are impressed by what Zylpha delivers and we expect that with the efficiencies gained the system will soon pay for itself.”
Create a secure bundle online, quickly & easily for FREE