Zylpha slashes the time taken to prepare electronic document bundles for lawyers

We’re excited to announce the latest version of our electronic document bundling software

Of particular note is a new Email feature, which Zylpha believes is a first in the market. This ensures that relevant email messages can be effectively and easily recorded and managed within any of a practice’s bundles.

The ability to include email attachments along with the original emails is also incorporated. This is a major leap forward over the market status quo, where ineffective text-only email storage systems require the preparation of separate document files for each attachment. This greatly reduces the time taken to include significant quantities of emails and attachments within bundles.

Also included within the new Zylpha functionality is a Core Bundling feature. This makes it simple to add a document to a bundle’s index without it physically being present in the bundle when produced. This enables the system to create both a core bundle and tailored bundles all from the same set of documents and with the same index and pagination. As the time previously taken to create numerous separate bundles is now eliminated, huge efficiencies and time-savings are possible.

In order to meet the highest practice compliance directives, documents can be excluded from the bundle but retain their original page number on the main index in the Core Bundle. To make it easy to identify which documents are excluded, users can choose how they want to indicate its exclusion by using either a symbol, a strike through or by greying them out. Users can also include informative text at the bottom of the index to explain why certain documents have been excluded from the Core Bundle for specific recipients.

The new functionality within Zylpha’s Electronic Document Bundling System is also fully integrated within a range of leading Case Management Systems including: LexisNexis SolCase and Visualfiles, Microsoft Sharepoint, Worksite, Envision and more. There are also plans, in the near future, to deliver further integrations with leading Local Authority Case Management Systems.

Zylpha’s CEO Tim Long is confident that new functionality could have a significant impact on the market for legal document bundling. In his view,

“These new additions to our electronic document bundling functionality really are a significant step forward. The new email functionality completely outclasses anything else on the market. And instead of painstakingly producing numerous bundles for all the parties involved in a case, the new functionality enables a Core Bundle to be tailored without changing the pagination or indexing.
“In a world where legal cost reduction and innovation are trending, the new Core Bundling functionality ticks both boxes. Indeed, with the savings it will make in terms of time speed and cost, we expect our document bundling solution to continue to transform current working practices. And, from our current pre-launch discussions with partners and clients we are confident that demand will be high and we expect to be able to announce some high profile practice converts in the near future.”

Create a secure bundle online, quickly & easily for FREE