Court Bundling Numbering Changes

All the latest requirements affecting the creation of eBundles and how Zylpha Bundling complies

The Court have issued guidance on the production of eBundles. The was originally issued in November 2021.

It covers the use of electronic bundles in civil and family courts, and sets out best practices for their creation and use. The key provisions of the guidance include recommendations for formatting and structure, as well as guidelines for ensuring the security and confidentiality of sensitive information contained in electronic bundles. The goal of the guidance is to promote the efficient and effective use of electronic bundles in court proceedings, while also protecting the interests of all parties involved.

In December 2021, supplementary guidance was issued for all family cases. The supplementary guidance effectively suspended the national guidance for family cases. That suspension expires on 1st Jan 2023 and when all eBundles for hearings must conform to the general guidance.

The main points in the guidance are:

1. Bundles must not exceed 350 pages.

2. Bundles must be continuously paginated from 1 on the first page of the bundle and run consecutively to the end of the bundle.

3. Later additions must be added in a section at the end of the bundle and indexed in that section (not the main index) to avoid the possibility that the bundle numbers will change.

4. Pagination must not change from one version of a bundle to the next.

We reveal the challenges to bundlers, and the solutions we offer in a handy guide. To get your copy simply fill in the form below.

Further information:

For all the latest Court bundling news and Zylpha product updates, take a look at our blog. For further information about our products, integrations and services, and to find out how we comply with UK Court guidelines, check out our library of free downloads.

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